Information technology — JPEG 2000 image coding system: Interactivity tools, APIs and protocols — Part 9: — Amendment 4: JPIP server and client profiles

Technologies de l'information — Système de codage d'images JPEG 2000: Outils d'interactivité, interfaces de programmes d'application et protocoles — Partie 9: — Amendement 4: Profils du serveur JPIP et du client

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ISO/IEC 15444-9:2005/Amd 4:2010 - JPIP server and client profiles
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ISO/IEC 15444-9:2005/Amd 4:2010 - JPIP server and client profiles
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STANDARD 15444-9
First edition

Information technology — JPEG 2000
image coding system: Interactivity tools,
APIs and protocols
AMENDMENT 4: JPIP server and client
Technologies de l'information — Système de codage d'images
JPEG 2000: Outils d'interactivité, interfaces de programmes
d'application et protocoles
AMENDEMENT 4: Profils du serveur JPIP et du client

Reference number
ISO/IEC 15444-9:2005/Amd.4:2010(E)
ISO/IEC 2010

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ISO/IEC 15444-9:2005/Amd.4:2010(E)
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ISO/IEC 15444-9:2005/Amd.4:2010(E)
1) Clause 2, Normative references . 1
2) Clause 5.1 . 1
3) Clause C.2.4 . 1

4) Clause C.3.2 . 1
5) Clause L.1 . 1
6) Clause L.2 . 2
7) Clause 6.2 . 3
8) Clause 7 . 3
9) Clause 3.3 . 3
10) Clause 5.1 . 4
11) Clause 5.2 . 4
12) Clause A.3.6.2 . 4
13) Clause A.3.6.3 . 4
14) Clause C.1.1 . 5
15) Clause C.1.2 . 5
16) Clause C.2.1 . 5
17) Clause C.2.3 . 5
18) Clause C.3.5 . 6
19) Clause C.4.2 . 6
20) New clause C.5.2.10 . 6
21) Clause C.6.1 . 6
22) Clause C.7.1 . 7
23) Clause C.10.2.1 . 7
24) Clause C.10.2.2 . 7
25) Clause C.10.2.3 . 8
26) Clause C.10.2.4 . 9
27) New clause C.10.2.8 . 9
28) Clause D.1.2 . 9
29) Clause D.1.3.5 . 10
30) New clause D.1.4 . 10
31) Clause D.2.2 . 10
32) Clause D.2.3 . 10
33) Clause D.2.6 . 10
34) Clause D.2.8 . 11
35) Clause D.2.9 . 11
36) Clause D.2.10 . 11
37) Clause D.2.23 . 11
38) New clause D.2.24 . 11
39) New clause D.2.25 . 11
40) Clause D.3 . 11
41) New Annex J . 12
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ISO/IEC 15444-9:2005/Amd.4:2010(E)
Annex J – Profiles and variants for interoperability and testing . 12

J.1 Introduction . 12
J.2 Definition of variants . 12
J.3 Definition of profiles . 13
J.4 Testing methodology . 15
42) Bibliography . 19
Electronic attachment = JPIP test data and scripts

iv © ISO/IEC 2010 – All rights reserved

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ISO/IEC 15444-9:2005/Amd.4:2010(E)
IISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of
ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees
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and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information
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International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International
Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as
an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO/IEC 15444-9:2005/Amd.4 was prepared jointly by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information
technology, Subcommittee SC 29, Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information in
collaboration with ITU-T. The identical text is published as Rec. ITU-T.808(2005)/Amd.4 (05/2010).

© ISO/IEC 2010 – All rights reserved v

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ISO/IEC 15444-9:2005/Amd.4:2010 (E)
Information technology – JPEG 2000 image coding system:
Interactivity tools, APIs and protocols
Amendment 4

JPIP server and client profiles
1) Clause 2, Normative references
Add the following reference to clause 2:
– Recommendation ITU-T T.803 (2002) | ISO/IEC 15444-4:2004, Information technology – JPEG 2000 image
coding system: Conformance testing.
2) Clause 5.1
a) Replace the definition of TOKEN by:
TOKEN = 1*(ALPHA / DIGIT / "." / "_" / "-")
b) Add the following token at the end of the ABNF-rules:
IDTOKEN = 1*(TOKEN / ";")
3) Clause C.2.4
Replace the definition of the target-id by the following:
target-id = IDTOKEN
4) Clause C.3.2
Replace the definition of the channel-id by the following:
channel-id = IDTOKEN
5) Clause L.1
Add to the list of fields in L.1 the following:
; C.4.5 Frame Size for Variable Dimension Data (fvsiz)
fvsiz = "fvsiz" "=" 1#UINT ["," round-direction]
round-direction = "round-up" / "round-down" / "closest"
; C.4.7 Offset for Variable Dimension Data (rvoff)
rvoff = "rvoff" "=" 1#UINT
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; C.4.8 Region Size for Variable Dimension Data(rvsiz)
rvsiz = "rvsiz" "=" 1#UINT
6) Clause L.2
a) Replace the list of jpip-response headers by the following:
jpip-response-header =
           / JPIP-tid           ; D.2.2
           / JPIP-cnew          ; D.2.3
           / JPIP-qid           ; D.2.4
           / JPIP-fsiz          ; D.2.5
           / JPIP-rsiz          ; D.2.6
           / JPIP-roff          ; D.2.7
           / JPIP-fvsiz          ; D.2.8
           / JPIP-rvsiz          ; D.2.9
           / JPIP-rvoff          ; D.2.10
           / JPIP-comps          ; D.2.11
           / JPIP-stream         ; D.2.12
           / JPIP-context         ; D.2.13
           / JPIP-roi           ; D.2.14
           / JPIP-layers         ; D.2.15
           / JPIP-srate          ; D.2.16
           / JPIP-metareq         ; D.2.17
           / JPIP-len           ; D.2.18
           / JPIP-quality         ; D.2.19
           / JPIP-type          ; D.2.20
           / JPIP-mset          ; D.2.21
           / JPIP-cap           ; D.2.22
           / JPIP-pref          ; D.2.23
           / JPIP-align          ; D.2.24
           / JPIP-subtarget        ; D.2.25

b) Add respectively the following items to the list of JPIP Response BNF:
; D.2.8 Frame Size for Variable Dimension Data (JPIP-fvsiz)
JPIP-fvsiz = "JPIP-fvsiz" ":" LWSP 1#UINT
; D.2.9 Region Size for Variable Dimension Data(JPIP-rvsiz)
2 Rec. ITU-T T.808 (2005)/Amd.4 (05/2010)

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ISO/IEC 15444-9:2005/Amd.4:2010 (E)
JPIP-rvsiz = "JPIP-rvsiz" ":" LWSP 1#UINT
; D.2.10 Offset for Variable Dimension Data (JPIP-rvoff)
JPIP-rvoff = "JPIP-rvoff" ":" LWSP 1#UINT
; D.2.24 Alignment (JPIP-align)
JPIP-align = "JPIP-align" ":" LWSP "yes" / "no"
; D.2.25 Subtarget (JPIP-subtarget)
  JPIP-subtarget = "JPIP-subtarget" ":" LWSP byte-range / src-codestream-specs
7) Clause 6.2
a) Replace the third point of the second paragraph by the following:
– Annex C defines the client request syntax. The client shall produce compliant requests and the server
shall be able to parse, interpret and respond to all compliant requests.
b) Add the following to 6.2:
– Server and client conformance is further structured into profiles and variants. Profiles define which fields
servers must support and implement beyond simply parsing and interpreting. Variants define the
operating modes and features of the JPIP standard a client and server use to transmit data. Clients and
servers must provide a common subset of variants in order to interoperate. See Annex J for details about
conformance and testing for conformance.
8) Clause 7
Change clause 7 to:
Conformance with this Recommendation | International Standard by a client means that the client's JPIP requests are
well structured, valid and conformant to the JPIP client requests as defined by this Recommendation | International
Standard, and that it is able to parse the JPIP responses defined by this Recommendation | International Standard.
Conformance with this Recommendation | International Standard by a server means that the server's JPIP responses are
well structured, valid and conformant to the JPIP server response signalling as defined by this Recommendation |
International Standard, and is able to parse the JPIP requests defined by this Recommendation | International Standard.
Servers shall parse and interpret all normative request types and shall respond to all compliant requests. Compliance to
a profile requires servers furthermore to support and implement all mandatory fields within that profile to the extent
defined in Annex J.
Conformance, profiles and conformance testing methodologies of this Recommendation | International Standard are
defined in Annex J.
It is expected that server applications may reduce efficiency by sending additional data not explicitly requested for or
redundant data depending on the network quality-of-service. Such implementation decisions are application specific and
provide the JPIP system with high utility.
9) Clause 3.3
Add the following definitions:
3.3.24 profile: Conformance is structured according to profiles; a profile defines the set of request fields that a server
is expected to support and implement and a client communicating with a server in this profile may issue expecting the
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ISO/IEC 15444-9:2005/Amd.4:2010 (E)
server to support them. A server is conforming to a profile if it supports and implements all request fields within this
profile to the extent defined in Annex J.
3.3.25 variant: Variants define the operating modes and features of the JPIP standard that a client and a server use to
exchange requests and data. Clients and servers must provide a common subset of variants in order to interoperate.
10) Clause 5.1
In 5.1, delete the definition of ENCODED-CHAR, and insert the following definition instead, and replace all
QUADDIG = "0" / "1" / "2" / "3"
OCTDIG = "0" / "1" / "2" / "3" / "4" / "5" / "6" / "7"
11) Clause 5.2
Replace all occurrences of ENCODED-CHAR by OCTAL-ENCODED-CHAR and replace the first paragraph of 5.2
by the following:
box-type specifies the four characters of the box type. For each character in the box type, if the character is
alpha-numeric (A.Z, a.z or 0.9), the character is written directly into the string. If the character is a space (\040), then
that character shall be encoded as the underscore character ("_") or by octal encoding. For any other character, a
4-character string is written in its place, consisting of a backslash character ("\") followed by three octal digits
representing the value of the character from the box type in octal. The compatibility-code is encoded the same
way that a box-type is encoded.
12) Clause A.3.6.2
At the end of A.3.6.2, replace the example Figure A.10 by the following:

13) Clause A.3.6.3
a) After the last paragraph of A.3.6.3, add a Note:
NOTE – The above definition implies that the placeholder box may be truncated after the last used field, but intermediate fields,
even if unused, must be present.
b) In Table A.3, row five – the description of the flag value 01xx – change the last sentence of the description in
the right column to:
The value of the NCS field shall be treated as if it was set to "1" regardless of the actual value of that field when the
field is present.
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c) Add the word "minimal" to the beginning of the description of each cut-off point in Figure A.11.
14) Clause C.1.1
Replace the last sentence of the paragraph by:
Finally, even with a conforming request, a server might not implement all possible request fields or combinations there-
of, but it must parse and interpret all normative request fields and respond appropriately, even if this response is an
error. Details of what servers are expected to implement are defined in Annex J.
NOTE – Which responses or methods for signalling error conditions are appropriate depends on the transport layer used.
Clause D.1 provides examples for servers using HTTP as transport protocol.
15) Clause C.1.2
a) Remove the Note before the definition of the jpip-request-field and add the following:
The fields in the request shall be sent in compliance with the selected transport protocol. For example, in HTTP, the
requests may be part of the query field of a GET request, or the body of a POST request, with individual request fields
separated by a "&" character – see Annexes F, G and H for details. In contexts such as these, certain characters found
within the BNF syntax or the request parameters may need to be escaped in order to avoid ambiguity. For example, a
request field of the form "target=me&my dog" should be escaped in an HTTP context, becoming
"target=me%26my%20dog", so as to avoid confusion with the "&" used to separate request fields. As another
example, "metareq=[roid/w]" should be escaped in an HTTP context, becoming
"metareq=%5broid/w%5d" so as to avoid the use of non-URI character – see IETF RFC 2396 for more on
reserved characters, disambiguation and escaping via the hex-hex encoding. Parsers of requests found in such contexts
should be prepared to perform hex-hex decoding of each request field.
b) Replace the view-window field list by the following:

view-window-field = fsiz              ; C.4.2
          / roff              ; C.4.3
          / rsiz              ; C.4.4
          / fvsiz             ; C.4.5
          / comps             ; C.4.6
          / rvoff             ; C.4.7
          / rvsiz             ; C.4.8
          / stream             ; C.4.9
          / context            ; C.4.10
          / srate             ; C.4.11
          / roi              ; C.4.12
          / layers             ; C.4.13
16) Clause C.2.1
Replace the eighth paragraph (before the examples) of C.2.1 by the following:
If the channel ID request field is included in the request, the request need not include Target, Sub-Target or Target ID
17) Clause C.2.3
Replace the body of C.2.3 by:
subtarget = "subtarget" "=" byte-range / src-codestream-specs
byte-range = UINT-RANGE
src-codestream-specs = "c" UINT-RANGE
This field may be used to qualify the original named resource through the specification of a byte range or a range of
codestreams in the original resource. The logical target is to be interpreted as the indicated byte range or a range of
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codestreams of the original named resource. For the purpose of requests and responses involving this logical target, the
codestreams in this target shall be assigned consecutive indices starting from zero.
NOTE – Defining a logical target as a range of codestreams thus relabels the codestreams, and effectively replaces the
codestream indices, if any, in the original resource by consecutive indices starting from zero.
The lower and upper bounds of the supplied byte-range are inclusive, where bytes or codestreams are counted from
18) Clause C.3.5
Replace the body of C.3.5 by the following:
This field is used to specify a Request ID value. Each channel has its own request queue, with its own Request ID
counter. The server may process requests which do not contain a Request ID, or whose Request ID is zero, on a
first-come-first-served basis. However, it shall not process a request which arrives with a Request ID value of n until it
has processed all requests with request ID values of n to n–1, inclusive. Here n is the qid supplied in the request
0 0
which originally created the channel, or is equal to 1 if no qid was present when creating the channel.
NOTE – The response to a request containing cnew which results in the creation of a new channel is processed as if the request
were issued in the new channel. This means the next request with a non-zero qid value to be processed in the new channel has
the qid value n +1.
19) Clause C.4.2
Replace the right-side entry of Table C.1 defining the meaning of ROUND-DOWN by the following:
For each requested codestream, the largest codestream image resolution whose width and height are both less than or
equal to the specified size shall be selected. If there is none, then the smallest available codestream image resolution
shall be used. This is the default value when the round-direction parameter is not specified.
20) New clause C.5.2.10
At the end of C.5.2, add C.5.2.10:
C.5.2.10 Special considerations for cross-reference boxes
If any cross-reference boxes are identified by a metadata request, the server shall also include in its response such
additional metadata as may be required for the client to determine the metadata-bins, if any, which contain the original
file byte contents that are referenced by such cross-reference boxes.
NOTE – If a cross-reference box has a streaming equivalent placeholder, the placeholder box itself provides the identity of a
metadata-bin which contains the original cross-referenced content. Otherwise, the server is required to send at least the box
header (or corresponding placeholder boxes) for every box in the original file which contains data referenced by the cross-
reference box.
21) Clause C.6.1
Replace the body of C.6.1 by the following:
len = "len" "=" UINT
This field specifies a restriction on the amount of data, in units of bytes, that the client requests from the server. For JPP
and JPT image return types, the limit includes payload and VBAS headers. The EOR message (header and body, see
Annex D) does not contribute to the limit.
If the len field is not present, the server should send image data to the client until such point as all of the relevant data
has been sent, a quality limit is reached (see C.6.2), or the response is interrupted by the arrival of a new request that
does not include a wait request field with a value of "yes" (see C.7.2). The client should use len=0 if it requires
response headers only and no entity body (see Annex F). Nevertheless, transport protocols that require framing of
responses require an EOR message (see Annex G).
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22) Clause C.7.1
Replace the first paragraph of C.7.1 by the following:
This field specifies whether the server response data shall be aligned on "natural boundaries". The default value is "no".
If the server supports aligned responses and the value is "yes", any JPT-stream or JPP-stream message delivered in
response to this request which crosses any natural boundary shall terminate at any subsequent natural boundary. Servers
that do not support data alignment but receive an alignment request with the value "yes" shall indicate this by the
Alignment Response defined in D.2.24.
The natural boundaries for each data-bin type are listed in Table C.3. A message is said to cross a natural boundary if it
includes the last byte prior to the boundary and the first byte after the boundary.
NOTE – For example, a precinct data-bin crosses a natural boundary if it includes the last byte of one packet and the first byte of
the next packet. Note carefully that aligned response messages are not actually required to terminate at a natural boundary unless
they cross a boundary. This means, for example, that the response may include partial packets from precincts, which may be
necessary if a prevailing byte limit prevents the delivery of complete packets.
23) Clause C.10.2.1
a) Replace the first paragraph (the syntax description) of the client preferences by the following:

pref = "pref" "=" 1#(related-pref-set ["/r"])

related-pref-set = view-window-pref ; C.10.2.2
/ colour-meth-pref ; C.10.2.

STANDARD 15444-9
First edition

Information technology — JPEG 2000
image coding system: Interactivity tools,
APIs and protocols
AMENDMENT 4: JPIP server and client
Technologies de l'information — Système de codage d'images
JPEG 2000: Outils d'interactivité, interfaces de programmes
d'application et protocoles
AMENDEMENT 4: Profils du serveur JPIP et du client

Reference number
ISO/IEC 15444-9:2005/Amd.4:2010(E)
ISO/IEC 2010

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ISO/IEC 15444-9:2005/Amd.4:2010(E)

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