Transport information and control systems — Data interfaces between centres for transport information and control systems — Part 2: DATEX-ASN

ISO 14827-1:2005 allows different systems to exchange relevant data. The relevant data will be contained in end-application messages. Each end-application message will be formally defined as either a "subscription" or a "publication", according to the format as specified in ISO 14827-1:2005. DATEX-ASN defines how these end-application messages are packaged to form a complete data packet and also defines the rules and procedures for exchanging these data packets. Systems using DATEX-ASN are free to implement additional end-application functionalities according to the user requirements.

Systèmes de commande et d'information des transports — Interfaces de données entre les centres pour systèmes de commande et d'information des transports — Partie 2: DATEX-ASN

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ISO 14827-2:2005 - Transport information and control systems -- Data interfaces between centres for transport information and control systems
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STANDARD 14827-2
First edition

Transport information and control
systems — Data interfaces between
centres for transport information and
control systems —
Part 2:
Systèmes de commande et d'information des transports — Interfaces
de données entre les centres pour systèmes de commande et
d'information des transports —
Partie 2: DATEX-ASN

Reference number
ISO 14827-2:2005(E)
ISO 2005

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ISO 14827-2:2005(E)
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ISO 14827-2:2005(E)
Contents Page
Foreword. iv
Introduction . v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 2
3 Terms and definitions. 3
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms . 5
5 Implementation considerations. 6
6 Data exchange procedures. 6
6.1 General data packet procedures . 7
6.2 General file procedures. 7
6.3 Sessions . 8
6.4 Requesting information. 11
6.5 Publication of information . 12
Annex A (normative) Data packet structures . 16
Annex B (normative) Data dictionary . 23
Annex C (normative) Value domains. 45
Annex D (normative) DATEX-ASN over internet protocols. 55
Annex E (normative) Protocol requirements list . 56
Annex F (informative) Implementation guidance . 61
Annex G (informative) Advantages of DATEX-ASN . 62

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ISO 14827-2:2005(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 14827-2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 204, Intelligent transport systems, Working
Group 9, with the collaboration of:
⎯ European Road Transport Telematics Implementation Coordination Organization (ERTICO);
⎯ Comité Européen de Normalisation (CEN);
⎯ American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO);
⎯ Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE);
⎯ National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA).
ISO 14827 consists of the following parts, under the general title Transport information and control systems —
Data interfaces between centres for transport information and control systems:
⎯ Part 1: Message definition requirements
⎯ Part 2: DATEX-ASN
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ISO 14827-2:2005(E)
In the 1980s and 1990s, transport networks became increasinigly congested and computer technologies were
deployed to more efficiently manage the limited transport network. As these systems were deployed, it
became more important to integrate nearby systems to properly provide the required services.
One of the first efforts to standardize the interface between transport control centres was a European Union
effort led by the DATEX Task Force. In May 1993, this group was established as a horizontal activity to
coordinate the diverging developments which were ongoing within the framework of the Advanced Transport
Telematics (ATT) Programme. Within the ATT Programme, three different data exchange systems were
developed: INTERCHANGE, EURO-TRIANGLE and STRADA. The group produced a set of basic tools to
meet existing needs, including a common data dictionary, a common set of EDIFACT messages and a
common geographical location referencing system.
The initial solution provided a common interface which satisfied the basic requirements of existing systems,
and was named the Data Exchange Network (DATEX-Net) Specifications for Interoperability. During the initial
efforts to deploy this International Standard, there was a growing sense that the message structure should be
better organized and should be defined using Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) rather than EDIFACT.
ASN.1 presents a standard notation for the definition of data types and values. A data type is a class of
information (e.g. numeric, textual, still image or video information). A data value is an instance of such a class.
ASN.1 defines several basic types and their corresponding values, and rules for combining them into more
complex types and values. These types and values can then be encoded into a byte stream according to any
of several standardised encoding rules.
Efforts to standardize communications between transport control centres were also underway in other parts of
the world. In 1997, all of these efforts began to merge, with the United States developing the initial draft of the
ASN.1 structures for the Data Exchange in Abstract Syntax Notation (DATEX-ASN). These structures, called
data packets, were then placed within a procedural context and submitted to the ISO standardization process.
A portion of the submittal dealt with the specification of messages. As this portion of the document could apply
to various protocols, it was placed in ISO 14827-1 — Message definition requirements. The remainder of the
original submittal formed the basis of the application layer protocol and was placed in this part of ISO 14827.
Thus, this part defines only one way to implement the messages that are specified in the format defined by
ISO 14827-1. This resulting International Standard supports existing and foreseen data exchange needs using
modern design concepts.
Due to the flexibility required by the rapidly developing transport information and control systems (TICS)
environment, this part of ISO 14827 uses a very generic structure. Thus, although initially intended to be an
International Standard for TICS, it is flexible enough to be used for virtually any data exchange.
ISO 14827-1 explains how to define end-application messages that are to be exchanged between centres for
TICS. This definition has been designed to be relatively generic to the selected protocol (e.g. DATEX-ASN,
CORBA, etc.) This part of ISO 14827 provides the specification of the Data Exchange protocol in ASN.1
(DATEX-ASN) used to exchange data between central systems. DATEX-ASN was the first protocol
standardized because:
⎯ the development of DATEX-Net could be leveraged, and
⎯ there was sufficient market interest to perform the required technical work.
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Transport information and control systems — Data interfaces
between centres for transport information and control
systems —
Part 2:
1 Scope
DATEX-ASN allows different systems to exchange relevant data. This is contained in end-application
messages. Each end-application message is defined as either a “subscription” or a “publication” according to
the format as specified in ISO 14827-1. DATEX-ASN defines how these end-application messages are
packaged to form a complete data packet and also defines the rules and procedures for exchanging these
data packets. Systems using DATEX-ASN are free to implement additional end-application functionalities
according to the user requirements.
A DATEX-ASN network comprises a certain number of systems, an example of which is provided in Figure 1.

1 weather system
2 traffic management system
3 transit management system
4 emergency management system
5 information service provider
Figure 1 — An example of a DATEX-ASN network
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ISO 14827-2:2005(E)
Each system can be viewed as consisting of the interfaces, as shown in Figure 2:

1 application interface
2 operator interface
3 communication interface
4 database interface
5 communications cloud
6 client system
7 server system
Figure 2 — System interfaces
This part of ISO 14827 deals only with the communications interface. It has been designed to meet the unique
requirements of TICS; however, it has been designed in a generic fashion and thus could be used for other
data exchanges as well.
Systems implementing this part of 14827 sometimes operate simultaneously as a client and server, using
multiple sessions. The communications cloud between the two systems may be complex or simple.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 4217, Codes for the representation of currencies and funds
ISO 8824-1, Information technology — Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) — Part 1: Specification of basic
ISO 8825-2, Information technology — ASN.1 encoding rules — Part 2: Specification of Packed Encoding
Rules (PER)
ISO 14827-1, Transport information and control systems — Data interfaces between centres for transport
information and control systems — Part 1: Message definition requirements
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ISO 14827-2:2005(E)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 14827-1 and the following apply.
connectionless transport profile
service that provides end-system to end-system communications without any connection set-up
connection-oriented transport profile
service that allows one end-system to exchange a continuous stream of data with another end-system, the
data of which is guaranteed to be delivered in the same order in which it was sent without any duplication
NOTE This service is typically achieved by first establishing a connection, then sending the data, and finally
terminating the connection.
data element
syntactically formal representation of some single unit of information of interest (such as a fact, proposition,
observation, etc) about some (entity) class of interest (e.g. a person, place, process, property, concept,
association, state, event, etc.)
entity of data containing enough information to be routed from source to destination without relying on
previous network configuration
EXAMPLE IP datagram.
datagram publication
DATEX-ASN publication (reply) that is sent directly over the given transport profile, in contrast with a file
system or device to which the information in the data packet is intended to be sent
encoding rules
rules which specify the representation during transfer of the values of ASN.1 types
NOTE 1 Encoding rules also enable the values to be recovered from the representation, given knowledge of the type.
NOTE 2 For the purpose of specifying encoding rules, the various referenced type (and value) notations, which can
provide alternative notations for built-in types (and values), are not relevant.
specific combination of physical and data link layer protocols as defined in IEEE 802.3 that allow multiple
systems to gain access to a shared medium and communicate with one another
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ISO 14827-2:2005(E)
data storage object, which may be located on any file system such as a hard-disk, a floppy-disk, a RAM-drive,
file publication
DATEX-ASN publication (reply) that is stored on the server’s file system until the client has an opportunity to
retrieve it via a file transfer protocol, in contrast with datagram publication
guaranteed delivery
DATEX-ASN mechanism in which the client acknowledges the receipt of a publication (reply)
data packet sent to indicate that the sending system is still alive and communicating
maximum turn-around time
maximum amount of time a system is given to provide an appropriate response to the incoming data packet
system or device which was the source for all of the information in the data packet
NOTE In many cases, this will be the same as the sender, but could be different. For example, a bridge (or proxy
agent) may translate between protocols; in this case the bridge (or proxy agent) would be the sender, while the system
generating the data would be the origin.
logical channel in a communications system
NOTE UDP and TCP use port numbers to multiplex data packets from a variety of applications onto a single
communications system.
response time-out period
maximum duration a system is required to wait for a response data packet prior to assuming that the
previously sent data packet was never received by the other application
system which created and sent the DATEX-ASN data packet
period of time during which a client and a server exchange multiple data packets
silently drop
to ignore a data packet
NOTE A data packet that is silently dropped does not cause any action to occur within the receiving system, nor is
any response sent to the subject data packet.
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ISO 14827-2:2005(E)
transport profile
set of services which are responsible for providing a virtually error-free, point-to-point connection so that
host A can send data packets to host B and they will arrive uncorrupted
NOTE Connection-oriented transport profiles may also ensure that the data packets arrive in the correct order.
turn-around time
period of time it takes a client or server to produce and transmit a response data packet, measured starting
from the point at which the last byte of data is received from the other system to the point when the last
response byte is transmitted
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms
For the purposes of this document, the abbreviated terms of ISO 14827-1 and the following apply.
CMIP Common Management Information Protocol (RFC 1189)
CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture
D-COM Distributed Communications Object Model
FDDI Fibre Distributed Data Interface (ANSI X3T9.5)
FrED Friendly Exchange of Data
FTP File Transfer Protocol (RFC 959)
HTML Hyper Text Mark-up Language (RFC 2854)
HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (RFC 2616)
IP Internet Protocol (RFC 791)
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
NTCIP National Transportation Communications for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Protocol
PPP Point-to-Point Protocol (RFC 1661)
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol (RFC 1157)
SQL Structured Query Language
TCP Transmission Control Protocol (RFC 793)
TCIP Transit Communications Interface Profiles
TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol (RFC 1350)
TICS Transport Information and Control Systems
UDP User Datagram Protocol (RFC 768)
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ISO 14827-2:2005(E)
5 Implementation considerations
Before exchanging data, transportation centres must agree on the specific issues that are described in the list
NOTE Some of these issues (e.g. lower layer protocols) may be specified elsewhere. For example, Annex D provides
a definition of these traits for standardized IP implementations.
a) General:
1) time period throughout which the overall agreement is valid;
2) rules for terminating the agreement before the expiry time of the agreement;
3) server and client domain names and off-line contact addresses, telephone, fax and e-mail details.
b) Access (DATEX-ASN requires a user-name and associated password.):
1) IP address of the client, assigned by the Internet Assigned Number Authority if the link uses a public
2) IP address of the server, assigned by the Internet Assigned Number Authority if the link uses a public
3) a list of authorized client user-names, referred to as the user-name used throughout this part of
ISO 14827;
4) a password associated with each client user-name.
c) Protocols:
1) selection of lower layer protocols, including:
i) presentation (e.g. BER, EDIFACT, or others) and session layers;
ii) transport and network layers (e.g. UDP/IP, TCP/IP, etc.);
iii) data link and physical layers (e.g. Ethernet, FDDI, PPP over ISDN).
2) maximum datagram size;
3) selection of preferred file transfer protocols.
d) Management of background information:
1) specification of the Data Registry to be used.
e) Message management:
1) messages which must be supported, which may include messages that are standardized in other
documents and/or messages unique to the specific implementation.
6 Data exchange procedures
This part of ISO 14827 defines an application layer protocol by which data elements are exchanged between
a client and server. Communication between client and server shall be accomplished by the exchange of data
packets and files as defined in this section.
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ISO 14827-2:2005(E)
6.1 General data packet procedures
DATEX-ASN data packets shall be constructed according to the formally defined ASN.1 data structures
defined in Annex A.
6.1.1 Sessions
This part of ISO 14827 requires all data packets to be transmitted in an application session. Within each
session, one system shall act as a client and the other shall act as the server.
NOTE Multiple sessions may exist simultaneously. Thus, a pair of systems may have two concurrent sessions, one
where System A acts as the client and System B acts as the server and the other where System A acts as the server and
System B acts as the client. These sessions would be distinguished by lower layer protocols (e.g. TCP or UDP port
6.1.2 Transport requirements
Data may be exchanged over connection-less or connection-oriented transport profiles, but a single transport
profile shall be used for all data packets exchanged within a session.
EXAMPLE If the first data packet in establishing a session is transmitted using UDP, then all data packets within that
session will use UDP. Likewise, if the initial transmission is TCP, then all data packets will be TCP.
6.1.3 Response time-outs
The client and server shall negotiate the response time-out period for each session. The response time-out
period should be long enough to accommodate the network propagation delays for both data packets as well
as the turn-around time required to handle the message on the receiving end. In theory, this should be
measured from when the last byte is transmitted to when the last response byte is received; however, it is
expected that most implementations will measure the time from the return from the system write call to the
return from the system read call.
NOTE A typical implementation is to set the time-out to be an integral multiple of the turn-around time and the
multiplier is typically set to three. However, as some communications media and networks may experience significant
delays, the system should allow this multiplier to be set at run-time.
6.1.4 Retransmission
If a specific data packet requires a response and an appropriate response is not received within the response
time-out period, the identical data packet (e.g. same data packet number, same time stamp, etc.) shall be
retransmitted one time only. If no response is received to the second data packet, prior to a subsequent
response time-out period, the data packet transmission shall be considered unsuccessful. If a response is
received after the time-out period, it may be ignored.
6.1.5 Duplicate data packets
Any time a client or server receives a data packet that requires a response, a new response data packet shall
be prepared and transmitted as soon as possible, even if the received data packet was a duplicate data
6.2 General file procedures
The client may request the publication (reply) data to be sent within the publication data packet, or it may
request the publication data to be stored in a file on the server with the publication data packet indicating the
file name of the publication file. The file can then be retrieved by the client within the constraints set by the
server. Such a publication file shall only contain the “TICS information” as defined by the PublicationData
structure as defined in A.9.
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ISO 14827-2:2005(E)
6.3 Sessions
Within each session, one system is a client and the other is a server. A server with a given domain name shall
not accept more than one session with any client domain name with a given transport profile; however, as a
single system may have multiple domain names, multiple sessions could exist between a given client system
and server system pair.
NOTE 1 Multiple sessions may exist on a single physical link simultaneously. For example, system A may act as a
server in one session with system B while acting as a client in a second session.
NOTE 2 A single client may have sessions with multiple servers simultaneously; thus, the complete session number
over any given transport profile is defined by the server domain name followed by the client domain name.
NOTE 3 Some implementations may have a need to frequently publish relatively large data packets. There are various
ways to achieve this, including: (1) increasing the UDP/IP datagram size to support the required size; or (2) maintaining a
prolonged TCP connection over which the large data packets are periodically sent. The preferred solution will depend on a
number of implementation-specific issues such as media quality and required reliability of transmission.
NOTE 4 Simultaneous sessions between a single client and server pair may exist if the sessions use different transport
profiles (e.g. one UDP and one TCP).
6.3.1 Establishing a session
The server may wish to establish a session. For example, this may be in order to publish information for a
registered subscription (request) or allow a receipt of a subscription if the server is protected by a firewall. In
this case, the server shall transmit an “Initiate” data packet, as defined in A.3, with the datex-Destination-txt
and datex-Sender-txt fields set to the proper name.
A server should not terminate a session it initiated for a period of one heartbeat duration after final publication.
If the client receives an “Initiate” data packet or if the client wishes to establish a session, the client shall
transmit a “Login” data packet, as defined in A.4.
Upon receiving a “Login” data packet, a server shall determine if the domain names, user-name, password,
maximum heartbeat duration, response time-out period, allowed encoding rules, datagram size and login
reason are valid for the request. The server shall also ensure that a session with the given domain name and
transport profile does not already exist. If the request is found to be invalid, the server shall either:
⎯ respond with a “reject” data packet, as defined in A.12, with the “error-code” set to the most appropriate
code number which applies to the denial, or
⎯ not respond if the server determines this is appropriate due to security reasons.
If the request is valid, the server shall respond with an “accept” data packet, as defined in A.11, and shall
identify the selected encoding rules from the list of options in the login request. This completes the procedures
to establish a session.
The procedure to establish a session is summarized in Figure 3. All data packets exchanged during this
procedure shall use the encoding rules that were agreed to off-line. All data packets exchanged after the
successful completion of this procedure shall use the encoding rules, as negotiated within the “Login” and
“Accept” data packets.
EXAMPLE Per Annex D, if the session is established over TCP/IP on Port 355, data packets exchanged during this
procedure shall use BER encoding; data packets exchanged after the successful completion of the login process would
then use the encoding rules negotiated by the “Login” and “Accept” data packets.
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Figure 3 — Establishing a session
6.3.2 Maintaining a session
Sessions are maintained by the client and server exchanging “FrED” data packets. If, at any point during a
session, no data packets are received from the other system for a period exceeding the maximum heartbeat
duration, as specified in the login request, the session shall be immediately terminated by both the client and
the server without exchanging any data. This type of termination should only be encountered due to unusual
circumstances, e.g. a system crash.
NOTE 1 FrED stands for a “Friendly Exchange of Data”. The data packet is generally used as an acknowledgement
data packet, but it is also used as a system heartbeat when there has been a prolonged period of silence. Thus, the term
“ack” did not truly apply to this data packet and the committee determined that it should be termed a “FrED”.
NOTE 2 A session may be kept open permanentl

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